Tread lightly on the planet

Naturally we love footprints, we’re in the shoe business after all! But our carbon footprint, we’re just not feeling it! That’s why we offset our company carbon by buying carbon credits that support the conservation of tropical rainforest in Southern Cardamom, Cambodia.

2023 Carbon Footprint Report | Carbon Credit Certificate

2022 Carbon Footprint Report | Carbon Credit Certificate

2021 Carbon Footprint Report | Carbon Credit Certificate

2020 Carbon Footprint Report | Carbon Credit Certificate

Southern Cardamom REDD+ project

Working to protect 497,000ha of rainforest in southwest Cambodia. Southern Cardamom is an area of global significance for wildlife conservation as well as community livelihoods. Preventing close to 3 million tons of carbon emissions a year. 

The project is accredited under Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards. Visit Stand for Trees for more project information.